Horse Country editor, Linda Hazelwood, wrote and published an article in the March 2014 issue about SCA’s 30-year history, and the prestigious Endurance Canada Award of Excellence we received for our breeding program: Carl Fudge, Sturgeon Creek Arabians.
Our focus is on line-breeding to the gene pool created by the offspring of PRIBOJ x TAKTIKA. Virtually all our offspring contain line-breeding to PRIBOJ x TAKTIKA, and some contain line-breeding to *SABELLINA PASB as well. All of our broodmares trace to mares that were either Stakes winners or race winners in Russia and Poland. Please take the time to look at our Articles page, and read the articles about TAKTIKA and *SABELLINA PASB.
We breed for horses with correct conformation and large hind quarters, as it is the hind quarter that provides the motor and propulsion to the horse. Our horses have gone on to take their owners to championships in endurance, winners at the race track, and ribbons in dressage and the Arabian show ring.

Czar Kazan (*El Purchino NSB x Balakaia by Kaiyoum++), Open Top Ten dressage champion in Canada, and ridden dressage competition in Manitoba.

We also breed for versatility, and for temperament that children will love:

Credit: Karen Stueve.

Credit: Karen Stueve
See Paradigm Shift also on our Endurance Page.
Foals are always cute!

Savour The Moment (barn name “Sammy”)

If you are looking for an addition to your family, please take a moment to review our Sales horses!
If you purchased one of our SCA-bred horses, we would love to hear from you! We would be thrilled to get photos, and find out how you are enjoying the wonderful versatility that is the Arabian horse. Email Us directly, or check out our Facebook page.